JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Agenda
June 7th Wednesday 630pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Board Members; Other Members - Others in attendance - Approval of Board Minutes - May 25th - Approval of Board Agenda - June 7th - Guests: 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - grant submission, working on presentation, Co-Chair - Treasurer - Secretary - Sponsorship - Vendor - Volunteer - Marketing - N/A Entertainment - Asst. Ent - Media- Committee Director - 2. Unfinished Business
3 . New Business
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Minutes
May 25th Thursday 630pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Board Members; Ron Burch, Kien Stephens, John Pulido, Naomi Stephens-Lewis, Sheba Lewis, Lydia B., Kelsey H. Other Members - Brandon Whelan, Roy Plummer, and Linnea Hanshaw. Others in attendance - Approval of Board Minutes - May 10th - Approved Approval of Board Agenda - May 25th - Approved Guests: 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - Calendar of events 2023, grant 2024, Pride Color Guard Meeting, Meeting with TruWarranty, meeting Co-Chair - Improve couldn’t do June event but will be available for Pride. Treasurer - $12,541.11 Secretary - N/A Sponsorship - we received a second payment towards Sponsor, Chamber sponsored at a level 1 and mass email sent again. Vendor - 24 Vendors for Pride, another round of mass emails wil be sent Volunteer - Reached out to Lori Marketing - N/A Entertainment - Got some people for June, need to approve ASAP, do have July approved ASAP Asst. Ent - N/A Media- N/A Committee Director - N/A 2. Unfinished Business
3 . New Business
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Agenda
May 25th Thursday 630pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Board Members; Other Members - Others in attendance - Approval of Board Minutes - May 10th - Approval of Board Agenda - May 25th - Guests: 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - Calendar of events 2023, grant 2024, Pride Color Guard Meeting, Meeting with TruWarranty, meeting Co-Chair - Treasurer - Secretary - Sponsorship - Vendor - Volunteer - Marketing - N/A Entertainment - Asst. Ent - Media- N/A Committee Director - 2. Unfinished Business
3 . New Business
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Agenda
May 10th 630pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Board Members; Other Members - Others in attendance - Approval of Board Minutes - April 26th - Approval of Board Agenda - May 10th - Guests: 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - Gayly artwork submitted to CVB for approval/submitted to GAYLY live on website and in print June-Aug, grant application started, event insurance app started, 1st grant meeting with CVB Co-Chair - joint meeting with JOMO EQ - board insurance - bylaw amendments Treasurer - Secretary - Sponsorship - Vendor - Volunteer - Marketing - N/A Entertainment - Asst. Ent - Media- N/A Committee Director - 2. Unfinished Business
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Minutes
April 26th 630pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Board Members; Lydia , Naomi Stephens-Lewis, Sheba Lewis, Ashley Benson, Loni Smith, Kelsey (call in) Other Members - Paula Fenske, Linnea Hanshaw, Cecil Cornish, Michael, Roy Plummer, and Brandon Others in attendance - Approval of Board Minutes - Mar 15th/April 12th - Board approved Approval of Board Agenda - April 26th - Board approved Guests: 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - Contract finished and submitted for Kennedy Co-Chair - updated us on Rons meeting about grants Treasurer - $12,013.77 Event made $1,419 after payout Secretary - nothing Sponsorship -nothing Vendor - 17 vendors so far, that's including sponsors first food vendor Volunteer - not here Marketing - N/A Entertainment - not here Asst. Ent - Chaos has been contacted about lunch Media- N/A Committee Director - Michael and director talked with Heather exhibits August 12 to September 30, Call date May 5 to June 17, Who I am, or the Queer Experience, no nude photos. Vote Later about the LGBTQIA or anyone 16 years and older? Juried Cash Prize? Need a sponsor for this. Charging us 250 for costs of Call, need the money to turn in next week to start the call. Entry fees come back to us. Signage for price would be 500 dollars or less, and have a reception on the 11th and can have food if we want. May look at Sponsors for that. It not only helps the community but it helps us for other fundraiser ideas. JOMOEQ would take over it if needed and run with it. Will look for sponsors to help. Giving us 50 percent off the gallery event. Need to get with Sheba for meeting dates to update membership. Volunteers started coming in. 2. Unfinished Business
3 . New Business
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Agenda
April 26th 630pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Board Members; Other Members - Others in attendance - Approval of Board Minutes - Mar 15th/April 12th - Approval of Board Agenda - April 26th - Guests: 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - Contract finished and submitted for Kennedy Co-Chair - Treasurer - Secretary - Sponsorship - Vendor - Volunteer - Marketing - N/A Entertainment - Asst. Ent - Media- N/A Committee Director - 2. Unfinished Business
3 . New Business
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Agenda
April 12th 630pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Heather from Spiva SO excited to help with JOMO Pride, gonna start small since time is an issue, CAFE meeting today, doing a call and be ready to go by May and be opened for a couple of months. Exhibits space, free space (250) worth. Cost for call, 250 plus signs for designs Trading John for sponsorship for Logo. Be upfront about all costs. Two artwork for sign out front and that is provided by Spiva.This is who i am Call to Order Roll Call – Board Members; Ron, Loni, Kien, Lydia, Sheba, Naomi, Ashley, Other Members - Cecil, Leigh, Michael, Brandon, Roy, Linn, Paula, Tabatha, Chalea Others in attendance - Heather Approval of Board Minutes - Mar 15th - approval moved to next meeting. Approval of Board Agenda - April 12th - -approved Guests: 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - Tourism Breakfast - Meeting with Spiva/Cornell, ad set for Gayly & BOOM, solicitation/sponsorship letter. Co-Chair - Treasurer - Treasure 12333.06, card reader purshcard and up and going, money transferred to JOMOEQ, third thursday for June is purchased, looking for July and August Secretary - helped with researching for another storage unit, minutes completed and saved in drive Sponsorship - US Bank at Rainbow level and Adam and Eve at Gold level on sponsors Vendor - sending out emails to previous vendors and more food vendors Volunteer - Marketing - N/A Entertainment - looking for entertainers for future events Asst. Ent - Media- N/A Committee Director -Met with Cornell and discussed future events and sponsors on how to help JOMO Pride. 2. Unfinished Business
3 . New Business
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Agenda
April 12th 630pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Approve Quorum Board Members - Other Members - Others in attendance - Approval of Board Minutes - Mar 15th - Approval of Board Agenda - April 12th - -: Guests: 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - Tourism Breakfast - Meeting with Spiva/Cornell, ad set for Gayly & BOOM Co-Chair - Treasurer - Secretary - Sponsorship - Vendor - Volunteer - Marketing - N/A Entertainment - Asst. Ent - Media- N/A Committee Director - 2. Unfinished Business
3 . New Business
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Minutes
Mar 15th @ 6:30pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Submitted by Sheba. Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Approve Quorum Board Members - Ron Burch, John Pulido, Ashley Benson, Naomi Stephens-Lewis, Sheba Lewis, Loni Smith, KA Stephens, Kelsey Other Members - Cecil Cornish and Jaclyn Shepard Others in attendance - Stephanie Purdunn, Leigh Baker- Access, Bridget Sutton, Michael Gregory, Chalea Approval of Board Minutes - Feb 22nd - approved Approval of Board Agenda - Mar 15th - approved Guest Speaker - Stephanie Purdunn with Freeman Hospital Stephanie’s department helps individuals to obtain health insurance and more insurance if they are underinsured. Missouri Healthnet is changing their guidelines and several Missouri individuals (90,000) will be without health insurance, this will also affect several individuals that are on Missouri Healthnet during pandemic. Re-enrollment for Missouri Healthnet is before April 1, 2023. Stephanie’s department can also help with legal aid, food stamp applications, and housing. Freeman would like to have a booth at Pride and also separate events. 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - emails sent for media contracts with Boom & GAYLY, ad live for April fundraiser, around 90 chairs plus chair rack donated by S. Joplin Christian Church Co-Chair - spreadsheet completed Treasurer -$11,110.93, also no Third Thursday this month Secretary - minutes completed and saved, worked with Benson to find singer for African National Anthem for Pride Sponsorship - Sponsors National Sucide Prevention and Liberty Utilities with booth. Need to mass email previous sponsors to get them on board for Pride this year. To call storage unit on Zora to get a price. Loni motioned, board approved. Vendor - Volunteer - John and Naomi to gather and get items ready for silent auctions. Marketing - N/A Entertainment - Four entertainers, the cost for them $300, also Susan B for a performance, also need to find younger performers. Asst. Ent - Media- N/A Committee Director -Met with library. 2. Unfinished Business
St. Louis June 24th-25th Springfield June 10th Tulsa June 24-26th June event Queer Block Party. Ron motioned, board approved. Needing to decide on performers. All age show from 7 to 10 pm. After 10 pm 21 plus.
ii. Balloon decor for stage iii. Ron will contact and get exact prices for pieces.
ii. Grant $7,500 towards total pride costs 3 . New Business
ii. Drag Bans, Arkansas and Kentucky, its stalled in Missouri. Possibly do a fundraiser for this? JOMOEQ has connections to a reporter at KSN News and could do a story?
JOMO Pride Inc Meeting Agenda
Mar 15th @ 6:30pm Blackthorn Pizza & Pub Sign-in & Speaking Requests: Call to Order Roll Call – Approve Quorum Board Members - Other Members - Others in attendance - Approval of Board Minutes - Feb 22nd (not yet posted) - Approval of Board Agenda - Mar 15th -: Guests: Freeman Hospital 1. Reports of Officers Co-Chair - emails sent for media contracts with Boom & GAYLY, ad live for April fundraiser, around 90 chairs plus chair rack donated by S. Joplin Christian Church Co-Chair - Treasurer - Secretary - Sponsorship - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Missouri Chapter $750, Liberty Utilities Main Sponsor $2500 Vendor - Volunteer - Marketing - N/A Entertainment - Asst. Ent - Media- N/A Committee Director - 2. Unfinished Business
St. Louis June 24th-25th Springfield June 10th Tulsa June 24-26th
3 . New Business
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